This month, Kids in a New Groove, which provides music lessons for kids in foster care, has multiple ways to support the cause. On Thursday, SoulCycle Domain, 11800 Domain Blvd., is doing a charity ride at 7:30 p.m. For $40, you can sign up on the Kids in a New Groove website,
On Saturday, Scout and Molly’s women’s clothing boutique at the Domain, 3211 Palm Way, Suite No. 136, is donating 15 percent of sales for the day. A few Kinds in a New Groove students will perform, and Scout and Molly’s is offering appetizers and drinks to make shopping more fun.
All month long Strait Music Company and People’s Pharmacy are offering to round up at the cash register to benefit the program. Juiceland on Brodie Lane is donating 40 percent of the sales of Wild Child Smoothie. For the adults, Whistler’s bar, 1816 E. Sixth St., is donated $2 for every drink ordered off its specialty cocktail menu.