The Breast Express is coming to Austin. On Monday, the traveling RV by breast-feeding support app PumpSpotting will be at IBM in North Austin, which PumpSpotting is recognizing for being a supportive company for employees who are lactating.
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At IBM from 1-3 p.m. Monday, the Breast Express will be offering families breastfeeding support, demonstrations of infant massage, babywearing and fitness. From 3-4 p.m., a panel of local breastfeeding resources will offer tips and information on how to get more support.
On Tuesday, the Breast Express heads over to the new Mothers’ Milk Bank location, 5925 Dillard Circle, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mothers’ will be giving tours of the bank’s milk-processing labs. You can also see the Breast Express Pump Suite, where you can try different pumps; hear from experts, and learn how donating milk can help premature and medically-fragile babies.
Experts include Kim Updegrove, Mothers’ Milk Bank executive director; Amy Van Haren, founder of PumpSpotting; Angie Liuzza and Christine Snowden, donor milk recipient family; Megan Frocke, milk donor and PumpSpotting user, and Megan Oertel, nursing mom, breastfeeding advocate and representing mother-friendly employer Sparefoot.
RELATED: New Mothers’ Milk Bank site will be able to process twice as much milk
Last year, the bank donated more than 5 million ounces, a record.