OK, so we in Austin won’t get to see a total eclipse of the sun on Monday, but we should get to see a partial eclipse from about 11:41 a.m. to 2:39 p.m.
Local museums and libraries are offering viewing parties on Monday as well as events before the big show for the whole family.
Here are some of the ones we found:
Eclipse Planetarium Show. The Texas Museum of Science and Technology’s Discovery Dome mobile planetarium is visiting the Wells Branch Community Library, 6:30 p.m. Friday. Get free glasses and participate in interactive activities. 15001 Wells Port Drive. wblibrary.org/kids-teens
Science Saturday at Texas Museum of Science & Technology tells you all about the sun with activities about heat, solar energy, color, ways we use the sun’s energy, and the best ways to view the eclipse. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Texas Museum of Science & Technology, 1220 Toro Grande Drive, Cedar Park. txmost.org
Total Eclipse of the Sun. Celebrate the upcoming eclipse and learn why eclipses happen. You can make your own art using the sun to burn wood and make a solar system mobile. You’ll also get free eclipse glasses to take home from the Johnson City Library. 1-4 p.m. Sunday. Hill Country Science Mill, 101 S. Lady Bird Lane, Johnson City. sciencemill.org
Solar Eclipse Afternoon Austin. Make a pinhole eclipse viewer starting at noon Monday at Howson Branch of the Austin Public Library, 2500 Exposition Blvd. library.austintexas.gov
Balcones Park Viewing Party. Join neighbors for a viewing but bring your own glasses. 1:10 p.m. Monday. Balcones Park, 12017 Amherst Drive.
Solar Eclipse and Sundial Grand Opening Event. Join the Austin Nature and Science Center in watching the eclipse as well as check out the new human sundial exhibit. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday. 2389 Stratford Drive. austintexas.gov
University of Texas Astronomy Department. Head to room Robert Lee Moore Hall, 2515 Speedway, Room 13.132, to see the eclipse with the astronomy department Heliostat. Glasses will be handed out as available. outreach.as.utexas.edu/eclipse/
Eclipse 2017 Cedar Park. Join the Texas Museum of Science & Technology staff with a hands-on eclipse science program, a viewing of the eclipse with astronomers and more. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday. Texas Museum of Science & Technology, 1220 Toro Grande Drive, Cedar Park. txmost.org
Solar Eclipse Viewing Party Wells Branch. 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday. Free solar glasses, information about the eclipse and refreshments are included. Wells Branch Community Library, 15001 Wells Port Drive. wblibrary.org/kids-teens
Johnson City Library Eclipse Viewing Party. 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday. The library will live stream the eclipse from around the country as well as have art projects, solar eclipse dances, cookies and more. 501 Nugent Ave. Johnson City. jclibrarysite.org
Eclipse Viewing Party Pflugerville. The Pflugerville Public Library is hosting a viewing party with glasses provided, an eclipse craft and screening of the Disney film “Wall-E.” 11:30 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Monday. 1008 W. Pfluger St., Pflugerville. library.pflugervilletx.gov
Eclipse Viewing Party Round Rock. See the solar eclipse with the Round Rock Public Library and the Williamson County Astronomy Club and the Space Science Institute. Safety glasses and telescopes provided as well as splash fountains, art and shave ice. Prete Main Street Plaza, 221 E. Main St., Round Rock. Noon to 2 p.m. Monday. roundrocktexas.gov/event/solar-eclipse-viewing-party
Buda Eclipse Party at the Buda Library. Fun with activities, art and stories, and watch the partial eclipse at 1:10 p.m. Library will provide solar glasses for safe viewing. Free. Noon-2 p.m. Monday. Buda LibraryLawn, 303 Main St, Buda.
Taylor Public Library Solar Eclipse Viewing. Watch the eclipse with special glasses and enjoy moon pies. 12:30-1:30 p.m. Monday, 801 Vance St., Taylor. ci.taylor.tx.us/25/Library
Bastrop State Park Viewing. Learn about what eclipses are, how they happen and how animal behaviors change as the sky gets darker in the middle of the day. $5 per person for 12 years old and up. Glasses provided. 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday. Historic Golf Shelter, 100 Park Road 1A.
Find more eclipse information, statesman.com/news/solar-eclipse-2017.