We’re getting ready for one fun weekend. OK, so we’ve got an 60 percent and 90 percent chance for thunderstorms on Saturday and Sunday. That hasn’t stopped us before.
Here are a few fun events to try:
Texas Museum of Science & Technology Star Party. Every Friday in September, look at the stars in the parking lot. 8-10 p.m. Friday. txmost.org.
Music and Movement. For ages 3-5. 11 a.m. Friday. Austin Public Library, Howson Branch.
Austin Diaper Bank’s Family Fun Fest and Diaper Drive. Music, bounce house, art and science activities and more. You can also get your picture taken with Princess Sofia, Snow White, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty, and see an Austin Fire Department fire truck. Bring size 4 diapers or larger or unused leftover diapers to donate. Noon-3 p.m. Saturday. Northwest Recreation Center, 2913 Northland Drive. austindiapers.org
Thinkery. Baby Bloomers for kids infant to 3. Learn about Big Bend National Park, 9 a.m. Saturday. $4.50. Suminagashi Fabrics for kids 4 and older. Create Japanese marbled fabric. 11:15 a.m., 1:15 and 3:15 p.m. Saturday. $8 child, $8 adult. Thinkery, 1830 Simond Ave. Thinkeryaustin.org.
Science Saturday. Learn about the Science of Gaming. 4-6 p.m. Saturday. Texas Museum of Science & Technology, 1220 Toro Grande Drive, Cedar Park. txmost.org.
Slow-Mo Day at Hill Country Science Mill. Enjoy a slow-motion photo booth, videos of life in slow motion, plus interactive stations. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Hill Country Science Mill, 101 S. Ladybird Lane Johnson City. sciencemill.org
BookPeople. Story time with Beth Guillot, who reads “Elizabeth the Dreamer,” 11:30 a.m. Saturday. BookPeople, 603 N. Lamar Blvd. bookpeople.com.
Barnes & Noble Events: 11 a.m. Saturday story times at all locations: “The Cookie Fiasco!”
Saturday and Sunday
Thinkery. Tinkering with Tools for ages 4-7. 12:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $8 child, $8 adult. Woodworking for ages 8 and up. 2:15 and 4:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. $8 child, $8 adult. Thinkery, 1830 Simond Ave. Thinkeryaustin.org.