Yes, we’re still talking about Dr. Leonard Sax and his new book “The Collapse of Parenting.” When I wrote the blog about my interview, I thought it might get some reaction, but not more than 6 million views and tens of thousands of shares across Facebook.
Some of the comments on Facebook:
- A lot of people do suck at parenting. The “entitlement” kids really chap my butt. How about earning a living? Ok. Blood is simmering.
- Yes! Parents are way too permissive in fear that their child won’t like them. It’s time to get back to basics and remember you are raising future adults.
- Not all parents are like what your saying. Some of us have learned from what our parents did wrong and are working really hard to make a positive impact in our children’s lives.
- Babies don’t come with manuals … how can he say parenting was done wrong? I’m sure every parent does the best they know how and many are clueless-that is true. Maybe he should have the hospitals give manuals with each baby that way the instructions will be available at the beginning.
- Bluh bluh bluh! To each his or her own. No books’ going to tell you how to love your child …
- A voice of reason barely heard over the helicopter parents!
- Wouldn’t be the first doctor to miss the mark in his “OPINION” on how to raise kids.
On Sunday, I asked parents if there is some truth to what Dr. Sax says about parents giving kids too many choices, not saying “No” enough and worrying more about self-esteem than self-control. Watch that video:
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